Stone Massage Notes

1. The physiological process that draws blood to the surface or periphery of the body by means of heat is known as Retrostasis.

2.  Heat causes the viscosity of synovial fluids in the joints to thin.

3. Cold’s analgesic effect is caused by reduced nerve conduction.

4. Heat and cold should be alternated for clients with arthritis.

5. The stone table is ideally placed at the center side of the table, 3 feet away.

6. A therapy room used for hot stone massage must have access to electricity.

7. Essential oils are particularly useful not only for creating a pleasing aroma, but also for disinfecting the stones AND increasing the therapeutic effect of the massage.

8. Stones that form deep within the earth are cooled slowly, have sharp edges AND are roughly textured with large grain.

9. Common metamorphic rocks are jadestone, marble and quartzite.

10. Marble is formed by uplift of limestone bearing mountains.

11. When collecting your own set of stones, look in past volcanic activity and old, wide, calm rivers.

12. White marble holds cold the longest.

13. In general, large, thick stones hold heat the longest.

14. A static placement stone that is covered can hold its heat up to 30 minutes.

15. Cold stones can be stored in a freezer or a bowl of ice water.

16. Placement of stones on the face should be comprised of warm or cold stones or both at the same time.

17. Static placement of stones are best used in addition to massaging with stones.

18. Devices that are used to help hold stones in place are oven pockets, a sand bags or stone wrappers.

19. The first stone that is introduced to the client’s skin should be tepid.

20. If the client is feeling lightheaded during or after the massage, the therapist should stop the massage, check in with the client AND be sure the client is safe to drive before leaving.

Please check to see if my answers match yours. If you find a mistake, PLEASE let me know. I want to correct it as soon as I can!

Author: aymartos

I continue my journey to find true balance, I have made some huge changes. I took a year off of teaching to see if I had a place in the massage world. With the demands of our family budget, I soon realized I really didn't have time to build a business. Then after losing my dad, I felt I had lost my purpose for leaving education. So I returned. I now have a Level III Teaching license and am certified in both Special Education as well as General Education--Modern Classical Languages and Social Studies. I am 14 years in and still looking forward to my next step in life. Feel free to follow my journey.

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